If you enjoy spending time outdoors in the evening, consider installing a garden close to your patio, deck, or walkway whose theme is white. White flowers are more visible than others at night, and many are very fragrant. You can anchor such a garden with a small white flowering ornamental tree (Chionanthus virginicus – White Fringetree, a Virginia native), or a few white flowering shrubs (Clethra alnifolia ‘Hummingbird’, a small Summersweet; a dwarf Redtwig Dogwood; Deutzia gracilis – ‘Chardonnay Pearls’ that has lime-yellow foliage is especially nice), and include white flowering perennials in various size combinations, from very tall exotic Lilium ‘Casa Blanca’ (considered one of the most beautiful Asiatic lilies) to medium-sized Astilbe ‘Deutschland’ (False Spirea), to a groundcover/edging such as the delicate Iberis sempervirens (Candytuft) or Galium odoratum (Sweet Woodruff). Incorporate plants with striking foliage as a foil and to carry on the white theme, such as a Hosta ‘Francee’ (Dark green leaf with white border). Plants with silver foliage can also be incorporated nicely (Artemesia, Stachys (Lambs’ Ears), etc.) The selections are endless and choices depend on the degree of sun vs. shade and other conditions, such as whether the soil retains moisture. In fact, many shade tolerant plants happen to have white flowers. A small water feature or low voltage lighting can enhance the garden. White gardens are both soothing and sophisticated, and being neutral in color, such gardens will not clash with adjacent areas with nearly any color scheme.